Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Well, I am officially a big boy! Well, bigger than I was :) I have officially moved from my high chair to the big table with mommy and daddy with the help of a booster chair! It's so fun to sit near mommy and daddy and grab for things all over the table now! I think mommy and daddy enjoy me near them too! I wanted to update everyone on my new big boy status, and a few pictures to prove it! See above!
lots of love!
big boy Jackson

Halloween care package

Today I received a Halloween care package in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa! It was so exciting to get so many fun new play hats, and books! I just love to read! I tore everything open that was wrapped and had a lot of fun doing so! I think my favorite item in the box might have been my new cell phone that sounds like my lighting Mcqueen car that drive mommy and daddy crazy! I also enjoyed the candy, and new socks! Speaking of candy, I think mommy ate it all? I will need to ask her about that, anyway, I needed socks too so thank you for thinking about my feet! I loved everything in the box and of course loved the Halloween bag and candy from Great grandma and Great grandpa too!

Grandma, I really want to thank you for the book, Goodnight Goon! I just can't stop reading it! I sneak off to my little chair every day and read it every time mommy and daddy aren't looking! It's such an exciting book and scares me every time! :)
hugs and kisses!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oktoberfest 10/17/09

My first Oktoberfest and boy was it cold! There were so many fun things to do today! I painted my first picture and picked out my very own pumpkin (see pictures) and even gave it a kiss once I found it because I was so excited to find the perfect one!
I also got to go on my second hayride for this year, such a treat! Oh, and I made a Halloween bucket to put my candy in when I go "trick or treating". There was also a pile of hay that mommy and daddy let me slide down for fun! I was hoping to have a lot of energy to last all day but ended up sleepy after a few hours. It was still a fun day for me!

The Oktoberfest was held on Ft. Benning which was cool to see.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 10/3/09

Today was another fun filled day packed with all kinds of cool things! We went to my first ever pumpkin patch in Merango, GA~ I loved this place! I was able to do a maze, jump in a pool full of corn, talk to birds (many birds) even the award winning fastest pigeon, cows, goats, dogs, and sheep - lots of sheep! I think the highlight of my day was the hayride with Mommy and Daddy. I was kind of grumpy because I was tired, but did get my second wind after lunch. I was able to run all over the place and go where I wanted because I really couldn't get out. I am sure you will get a kick out of my pictures I posted! Also, check me out in my first ever pumpkin patch! I think this was the other highlight of my day. I kept saying "ohhh" at every pumpkin I touched.

Peanut Festival 9/26/09

Well this was a peanut of a time! We went to the peanut festival in Plainsville, GA ~ We helped celebrate Jimmy Carter's 85th birthday! We saw a parade, went fishing (see picture of me and fish) well, Daddy really helped me catch it. I then played with bunny rabbits, and goats. Daddy was able to get his soggy peanuts that Mommy did not like and we all got to share a deep fried sweet potato! It had powder sugar all over it! It was heaven! A few things I can't wait to do when I am bigger, are the jumpy house and riding ponies. For some reason you have to be three to do that stuff.
Oh! I almost forgot the best part of the day! For the first time ever, I had the privilege of siting in a helicopter! Maybe I will be a pilot someday?

My puppy ~ 9/15/09

I just wanted you to know that I love my puppy, Bella. She gives me lots of kisses each day as do Mommy and Daddy! Here is our picture together. Along with a picture of Daddy and me hanging out. I love him too :)
Oh and the last picture of me standing on my chair is my new phase. It's called mountaineering, or what I like to call, driving Mommy and Daddy crazy.

Calloway Balloon Festival 9/13/09

So in an effort to keep me busy, Mommy and Daddy are always looking for fun things to do in the city. Daddy found a balloon festival in Calloway Gardens that was amazing! We waited for sometime in the line to ride the big balloon but after 30 minutes we were turned away for the wind. I was pretty bummed, but I think Mommy was even more bummed out :( She really wanted to ride the big balloon! On the flip side, I was able to ride a train (toot-toot) and go on my first paddle boat ride! Unfortunately, I kept falling asleep on Mommy because the water was so relaxing. I saw the coolest dogs chase Frisbees! However, the great pancake breakfast was my favorite part of the day! What a fun day!